Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Daily Travelling + Cost + Time - Using Kipper

Good Morning World Wide Web....

I actually begin to think that maybe my daily travelling could be optimized to save travelling cost and time at the same time. 

In a nut shell everyday travelling are as follows:

From Kajang -> to Subang Airport -> Taman TAR Ampang -> Back to Kajang

Now this roughly counts to about 150-200 km's a day and i do spend a lot of time on the road.
About 2 years ago being very fed up with traffic, i made an impulsive decision to purchase a bike,  thought it will be the best remedy to save time and money.

The reliable Kipper
So for weekdays its always Mr. Kipper (KRR Ninja 150se) that takes me around, but Kipper being a performance bike in its own class it is also expensive to maintain, seeing that my objective of going with 2 wheels is to save cost. 

So with Kipper, i take about an 1 hour to reach office, another hour to reach Ampang and another hour or so to reach home. I am giving the time some buffer as i have to take count traffic condition as well. The bike cant cut trough traffic that easily considering its size and my safety to do so. So average lets say 2.5 hours in travelling a day.

Now on the cost, a week i might say RM 60 in fuel and every two weeks or so ill need to top up the 2T oil. Now for 2T oil some people use cheaper ones but i choose to use a bit on the high end as i believe by giving Kipper the best he will also return the favor. So roughly in a month it boils down to +- RM300 (Fuel + 2T).

Now in terms of service, i usually service Kipper every 3000km even the recommendation is 4000km.

So lets say 150km a day which means in a week 750km and in a month its 3000km. So every month i will need to service Kipper.

Now servicing kipper is never a fixed price as there will always be different wear and tear parts to be changed, like chain, break pads etc. Ill just set a rough estimate of RM150 a month.

So in conclusion for my daily travelling with Kipper in a month:

Total cost: RM 300 + RM 150 = RM 450
Total time: 2.5h x 5 weekdays = 12.5h x 4 weeks = 50 Hours ( 2 days and 2 hours)

Need to think how i can save more time and money...there must be a more effective way :)

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